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Your smile is vital. It helps you talk, eat, and even make a good first impression. If you want to do all these things with confidence, it’s best to take loving care of your teeth. One important thing you can do is eat tooth-healthy foods like dairy products, protein, fruits, and vegetables.

Dairy products (like milk, cheese, and plain yogurt) have vitamins and minerals that can benefit your smile and your whole body. One of those minerals is calcium. When you consume dairy products, the calcium absorbs into and strengthens your teeth, just like the other bones in your body.

The phosphorus in protein can protect as well as rebuild the outer shell of your tooth, or the tooth enamel. To contact phosphorus, you can eat poultry, meat, fish, and eggs.

Fruits and vegetables can support your smile as they are high in fiber and water. They help you produce saliva, which aids in cleaning your teeth, washing away the plaque and bacteria from your mouth.

For more fact and tips about how to preserve your beautiful smile in Sacramento, California, call Steven J. Brazis, DDS today! All you need to do is dial 916-731-5151 and Dr. Steven J. Brazis and our dental team will be happy to help you. We are eager to tell you more about how to have the best smile possible!